jueves, 28 de febrero de 2008

SCJP Exam for J2SE 5: A Concise and Comprehensive Study Guide for The Sun Certified Java Programmer Exam

Best selling author, Paul Sanghera, offers cohesive, concise, yet comprehensive coverage of all the topics included in the Sun Certified Programmer for Java 5 exam (CX 310-055). With a laser sharp focus on the exam objectives, the Study Guide goes beyond just being an "exam cram." The material is presented in a logical learning sequence: a section builds upon previous sections and a chapter on previous chapters. All concepts, simple and complex, are defined and explained when they appear the first time. There is no hopping from topic to topic and no technical jargon without explanation. No prior knowledge of Java programming is assumed. The single most difficult aspect of this exam is to read and understand the code in the exam questions in a limited amount of time. To help you get fluent and comfortable with the code, the book offers complete runnable code examples distributed over all the chapters and a codewalk quicklet feature at the end of each chapter.

Edición: Apress (2006)
Idioma: Inglés
Formato: PDF


  1. Fundamentals of Java Programming
  2. Data Types and Operators
  3. Classes, Methods, and Interfaces
  4. Java Language Fundamentals
  5. Object-Oriented Programming
  6. Execution Flow Control in Java
  7. Exceptions and Assertions
  8. Input and Output in Java
  9. Strings, Formatters, and Wrappers
  10. Collections and Generics
  11. Threads in Java
  12. Appendix A: Installing and Testing J2SE 5.0
  13. Appendix B: SCJP 5.0 Upgrade Exam (CX-310-056)
  14. Appendix C: Answers to Chapter Review Questions
  15. Appendix D: Practice Exam
  16. Appendix E: Exam Quick Prep


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