martes, 15 de abril de 2008

Struts: The Complete Reference (2nd Edition)

Build next-generation Java-based Web applications using Struts and the comprehensive information contained in this authoritative volume. Written by James Holmes, a committer on the Struts project, and fully updated to include the latest features of Struts 1.3, Struts: The Complete Reference is really three books in one: an in-depth tutorial, a broad reference, and an advanced developer's guide.

Learn to write high-performance Struts applications and internationalize, test, and secure them. Plus, get in-depth coverage of Tiles, Validator, the Struts tag libraries, the Struts configuration files, and AJAX. Throughout, you'll find real-world examples, cutting-edge techniques, and insider tricks that will make your Struts applications sizzle.

McGraw-Hill Osborne Media; 2nd edition (December 11, 2006)
Pages: 800
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0072263865
ISBN-13: 978-0072263862


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