lunes, 5 de noviembre de 2007

Complete Java 2 Certification Study Guide, 5th Edition

Here's the book you need to prepare for the Java 2 Programmer (SCJP) and Developer (SCJD) exams. This Study Guide was developed to meet the exacting requirements of today's certification candidates.

Edición: Sybex (2005)
Idioma: Inglés
Formato: PDF


  1. Language Fundamentals
  2. Operators and Assignments
  3. Modifiers
  4. Converting and Casting
  5. Flow Control, Assertions, and Exception Handling
  6. Objects and Classes
  7. Threads
  8. The java.lang and java.util Packages
  9. I/O and Streams
  10. About the Developer’s Exam
  11. Swing Components
  12. Layout Managers
  13. Objects Streams and RMI
  14. Putting It All Together
  15. Appendix A: Practice Exam


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