lunes, 12 de mayo de 2008

MCITP Developer: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Data Access Design and Optimization Study Guide (Exam 70-442)

As your essential guide to Microsoft’s new SQL Server 2005 certification (exam 70-442), this book offers you practical and in-depth coverage. Full coverage of all exam objectives is presented in a systematic approach so you can be confident you’re getting the instruction you need for the exam. Plus, practical hands-on exercises reinforce critical skills and real-world scenarios put what you’ve learned in the context of actual job roles. Finally, challenging review questions in each chapter prepare you for exam day.

Sybex (April 2, 2007)
Pages: 632
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0470108800
ISBN-13: 978-0470108802


1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

Polaris. navengando encontre esta pagina, la cual me parece muy interesante y bastante educativa.

me interesaria mantener contacto contigo, y quizas poder ayudarte con recursos.

mi msn.:
